My work is represented by Laguna Art. It is still available.
One Landscape
When taking a morning walk, I usually take the same route. Everything looks same.
Occasionally I see school children heading for the school. Children definitely are growing up.
After the walk, I always sip a cup of coffee in the dining room before starting to work. It is just another peaceful moment but the only one precious moment in my life. Nothing remains the same.
The below is titled, “One Landscape”, Acrylic on canvas, 29”x36”, 2023, ©Kikuko Sakota Art
Play the piano
It’s the first time in scores of years I opened the piano and played it. My mom bought me the piano when I was four, saving money because I was playing a toy organ alone. Since then until 17 years old where I went to university in Kyoto, I had been playing the pian.
I had moved many places on business so I ‘ve never have had an idea to play the piano until recently. After the scores of the years, I forgot how to read scores and where to put my fingers. I selected a book of Sonata and played one of them, but I stuck many times and gave up at around 8th bar.
I expect the touch to come back so I will gradually keep practicing and then some future, I can play well.
The painting below is titled “Exploration 2”, Acrylic on canvas,37”x47”, 2022, ©Kikuko Sakota Art
Dialog with the Lights
There is a music hall, Parnassus Hall, located in a 5 minute-walk from my house, which regularly offers a morning concert. It has been 9 years since I came back to my home, and for the first time I went to the concert , which was Romantic violin pieces: Sibelius, Dvorak, Tchaikovsky, and Greig. Later I learned that they were very popular pieces but very few of the melodies were familiar to me.
I have never thought of which countries those composers were from. Finland, Check, Russia and Norway are the countries I have never visited. The music composed more than 100 years ago in unknown places still made me imagine and empathize the emotions, feelings and lives of the people I have never met.
The painting below is “Dialog with the Lights”, 29”x36”,Acrylic on canvas, 2023
The Afternoon Live in Kobe
The other day I went out from my city, dashing to the afternoon Jazz live in Kobe. I lost sense of time by the two-hour live where standards were performed. I am not very familiar with Jazz but I was absorbed in the music.
Some lyrics caught me such as “there are a few my favorite things” in My Favorite Things.
I was wondering what I like in my day-to-day life. I have small but many favorite things with me but often I am not conscious and I am not grateful…
And I asked myself “Have I ever looked at raindrops on roses?”
The last song was Imagine.
“I hope someday you will join us and the world will be as one”. I had thought Imagine was just a famous John Lennon’s beautiful song for peace. His words have passed on for years through lots of artists and finally I found myself grown up to feel his message very close to me.
The following painting is titled, “Red Flower 2”, acrylic on canvas, 9”x12”, 2022, ©
Kikuko Sakota Art
I happened to see a flyer of the jazz concert in the café I usually have coffee. The concert hall is close so I decided to go.
It is categorized as gypsy jazz, which I am unfamiliar with. But I was totally absorbed in music so I felt two hour concert went so fast. And it was really great!
The band consists of a violin, two guitars, and a contrabass. I expected the violin always to play the main melody, but in this gypsy jazz, the violin and the lead guitar played a main solo instrument alternately. The rhythm guitar reminded me of a flamenco guitar. Occasionally the music sounded melancholy but overall I felt warmth from the vibes of music.
I truly had a good day.
The painting below is titled as “Gypsy”, Acrylic on canvas, 18”x21”, 2022, ©Kikuko Sakota
What kind of image do you have toward the word unforgettable?
Positive or negative?
What is the next word coming to unforgettable?
Unforgettable moment, unforgettable event, etc.
I think “unforgettable” could be very good or very bad.
My mom used to say,”Life is full of turns and twists.” I asked her,”What is good in life?”
She did not answer to my question.
One day, she said, “You should create your happiness by yourself.”
These are one of my unforgettable conversations with my mom.
The painting below is titled “Unforgettable”, Acrylic on canvas, 36”x29”,2022, ©Kikuko Sakota Art
When eating an ice cream in the air-conditioned room in summer, I feel very happy. In addition, when finish eating all of the ice cream, I take a coffee. It is one of the most luxurious moment when drinking a coffee and eating an ice cream in the air-conditioned room.
My life is full of fun, joy, excitement, occasionally, boredom, and very rare, but sadness, anger, and regret.
The painting below is titled as “Joy”, Acrylic on canvas, 24”x29”, 2022, ©Kikuko Sakota Art
Cry Baby
The rainy season has set in. Waking up in the morning, and hearing the rain dropping on the roof, I don’t feel like going out. It’s drizzling on and off, which makes me gloomy.
When going out in the rain, I’m walking with my favorite pink umbrella open but still my shoes get wet and rain drops hit my face. When the rain stops, strangely, I miss raining, because I have to close my favorite umbrella.
Below is the painting titled, “Cry Baby”, Acrylic on canvas, 24”x29”, 2022,© Kikuko Sakota Art
Cannot Wait
It’s more comfortable to take a walk in the morning, because it is getting warmer. I feel safer because I was vaccinated in November.
But what I’ve learned from headlines recently have made me unhappy. COVID cases were once dropped but have been increasing again. On top of that, the invasion by a big country has been taking place, which has killed many people. I really hope them to end.
The painting below is titled as “Cannot Wait”, Acrylic on canvas, 21”x24”, 2022, ©Kikuko Sakota Art
Woods is the location when I used to play and walk with my friends. We were sweating when walking uphill. When we were very young, we played by jumping on laid old trees. It was fun.
Climbing up the hills in my city by bus or traveling to the hill by rope way in other big city, give me views of woods. Walking through the path in the woods, I feel refreshed, surrounded by fresh green leaves. I feel as if I am meditating in the woods, because I feel very calm and collected.
The below is the painting titled, Woods, Acrylic on canvas, 10”x14”, 2022, ©Kikuko Sakota Art
Happy New Year
Wish you all a happy new year!
The painting below is “Red Flower”, Acrylic on canvas, 6”x9”, 2022, ©Kikuko Sakota Art. Color of red symbolizes the passion. Kikuko Sakota Art
Fog Cleared Away
One of my themes for paintings is woods. Their images come from my memories where I used to walk and play in childhood, went hiking and sometimes walked on the steep slope, or during the trip where I visited the big woods.
Usually I go walking with others in the woods, but if I am to go alone, I may get lost.
Feeling nice scents of trees, leaves and air, stamping on the soft soils, walking in the shades of trees, I just can follow the path and look for the light.
The painting below is titled “Fog Cleared Away”, Acrylic on canvas, "29”x24”, 2021, ©Kikuko Sakota Art
Before Going to Bed
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” I learned this was Mahatma Gandhi’s words for the first time. Actually, I heard the first sentence a few times this year. Maybe this is a very important message to me.
It is true. But I always pushed it aside; otherwise, I’m so scared. On the second thought, I may be wasting my time. At the end of the day, I don’t feel like going to bed, because I think there many things undone. But I decide to go to bed because I want to wake up early to take a morning walk.
Below is “Before Going to Bed”, Acrylic on canvas, 20”x20”, 2021, ©Kikuko Sakota Art
With Peace in Mind
I was busy last year so I decided to slow down and change my life style. I wake up a bit earlier, take a walk two times a day and do some stretch or yoga every day.
When it comes to paintings, I have been exploring to develop/evolve my style of painting. Recently I have stopped controlling brush strokes and composition too much. So the movement created by brush strokes looks flowing naturally. I have a feeling that what I have been seeking was not always painting good works but peace of mind.
The painting below is titled “With Peace of Mind”, Acrylic on canvas, 13”x18”, 2021, ©Kikuko Sakota Art
It was a peaceful day
I had a good news. I was just chatted that one of my old friends, who once had been very sick for more than a week, was getting better. I had been worried very much and remembered all good memories of her. I did not know how and what I could do to her spouse, but now I am a bit relieved. She is still not totally well but I believe she will be getting better.
The painting below is titled, “It was a peaceful day”, Acrylic on paper, 13”x16”, 2021, ©Kikuko Sakota Art
I have joined World of Co Artist Residency since the beginning of August, which is a Bulgarian program; however, due to the pandemic, they have had an online residency. I have met several artists from US and Bulgaria, and learned plenty of new things. This is very informative and encouraging opportunities.
During this residency, one day, I saw sunflowers in the garden in my neighborhood during my morning walk. I have never noticed them before. There must be a lot of beauties and miracles close to me. I want to keep looking for such small happiness.
Painting below is titled “Sunflower”, 6.9”x10”, Acrylic and water soluble pastel on paper, 2021,©Kikuko Sakota Art
Despite the pandemic, the Tokyo Olympic Games kicked off. I was not so interested in it before it started. But when TV program is on, before I know it, I am attracted to the games, and the performance. I am often absorbed in their excitement as if I were there. I can imagine how much they have dedicated their life to sports. I am really touched and moved by their spectacular feats and physical and mental strength. And I am so much inspired by their love for sports.
Below is the drawing titled as Scintillation, Colored pencils on paper, 5.6”x10”, 2021, ©Kikuko Sakota Art
Blue Flower
The summer in my area is generally hot and humid. In the morning, my younger brother waters plants in the yard and sprinkle water all over, which makes the air a little cooler. When hearing its sound, I feel like taking a cold shower by myself.
Below is the drawing tilted Blue Flower, Colored pencils on paper, 5.6”x10”, 2021, ©Kikuko Sakota Art
One Sunny Day of the Summer 2021
I take a walk in the morning, but after the rainy season, it is getting hotter and more humid, so it is not so comfortable. But I can still come across some small natural beauty such as sunflowers blooming in the neighborhood. The color of sunflower petals boosts my mood. I’m even happily bathed in the lights in the air, brightness of the sky, and very quiet breeze.
Below is the drawing titled as “One Sunny Day of the Summer 2021”, Pastels on paper, 6.8”x10”, 2021, ©Kikuko Sakota Art